High Speed Trading LLC, Adam, , Sultanate of Oman
High Speed Trading LLC
Seller ID: SA5553112552
Registration Date: 05-11-2017 13:48:23
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Trading
Established Year: 1999
Total Staff:
Category: Trading Company
Sub Category: Industrial Maintenance

High Speed Trading LLC

High Speed Trading & Contracting Ent. (HSTC) was established in Oman in 1999. to provide to their local and international EPC contractors and Omani govt. organization the Engineered, Industrial Services to meet the specialized needs of the growing Petrochemical, Power, Oil and Gas and other Industrial Sectors located in Oman and other Gulf countries. HSTC also provides engineered solutions to the customers, as they seek to minimize commissioning time, reduce downtime, and improve plant efficiency, by utilizing the extensive experience and a worldwide network of Strategic Partners; we provide world class solutions to local problems. HSTC aim to exceed our customers' expectations by being the leading provider of safe, responsive, and value added engineered industrial services. HSTC also provides their services to EPC contractors both locally and International at their Power Plants (GTG/HRSG+STEAM GENERATIONS) and Desalination plants projects and maintenance services at their plants. HSTC also provides their services to any or all projects of Refinery, Power, Water, Fertilizer, and Chemical plants and OIL&GAS, pipeline projects. Also at LNG plant & project.

   High Speed Trading LLC

   PO Box 6, PC 618, Adam, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 97223100,99351727

   +968 24490014



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