Hormuz Grand Hotel, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Hormuz Grand Hotel
Seller ID: SA5713541665
Registration Date: 14-09-2017 12:11:10
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Hotels & Resorts
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Category: Hotels & Resorts
Sub Category: Hotels & Resorts

Hormuz Grand Hotel

Hormuz Grand Hotel Muscat celebrates a new kind of luxury, rich in culture. Overlooking the Muscat mountains, our hotel’s iconic style and modern features are designed to exceed the expectations of the modern traveler. All guest rooms and suites boast unique features and spectacular views over the valleys and mountains. Our hotel’s central location is just a short drive from Muscat International Airport, and is the ideal base to sightsee from. This is a fascinating place, where traditional design still reigns supreme and the décor exudes elegance.

   Hormuz Grand Hotel

   PO Box 128, PC 111, Seeb, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24350500



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