IDB Education, Al Udhaybah, , Sultanate of Oman
IDB Education
Seller ID: SA4323612648
Registration Date: 20-09-2017 11:05:40
Free Member / Active
Business Type: College & Universities
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Educational Institutes and Universities
Sub Category: College & Universities

IDB Education

IDP has more than 40 years’ experience in international education and Development.IDP is co-owned by 38 Australian universities and Seek Ltd, Australia’s leading online employment and training company.For 40 years, IDP has played a major role in international education. During this time, IDP has placed more than 300,000 international students – primarily into leading education institutions. Each year, around 25,000 commencing students choose IDP to help them transform their dreams of international study into reality.

   IDB Education

   P.O Box 786, P.C 130, Al Udhaybah, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24696452



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