International Maritime College Oman LLC, Sohar, , Sultanate of Oman
International Maritime College Oman LLC
Seller ID: SA6297456127
Registration Date: 18-07-2017 16:29:15
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Education Management
Established Year: 2005
Total Staff: 51-200
Category: Education Management
Sub Category: College & Universities

International Maritime College Oman LLC

International Maritime College Oman (IMCO) is an institute of Higher Education inviting all individuals interested in a Maritime, Port, Shipping, Transport or Process Industries career to apply to the College. The diploma and bachelor programs offered by IMCO are unique in Oman, as well as the entire GCC region. Those who are currently enrolled at IMCO have made their first steps toward a promising career in the Maritime, Port, Shipping, Transport or Process Industries. IMCO is supported by the STC-Group from Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. The STC-Group has more than 25 years experience providing innovative study environments in which students can learn about the maritime, transport, and oil and gas industries. IMCO brings this dynamic learning environment to the Sultanate of Oman combining experienced educators with hands-on training. This is only one of the reasons why IMCO is able to guarantee high-quality education and training.

   International Maritime College Oman LLC

   P.O. Box 532, PC 322, Sohar, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 26827777



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