Kazerooni & Partners LLC, Al Khuwair, , Sultanate of Oman
Kazerooni & Partners LLC
Seller ID: SA3143967592
Registration Date: 22-10-2017 11:37:08
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Trading Company
Established Year: 1935
Total Staff:
Category: Trading Company
Sub Category: Electrical Products & Industrial Instrumentation

Kazerooni & Partners LLC

Our company was established in Bahrain in 1935 and became one of the leaders in Persian handmade carpet business here in the Gulf We expanded our operation in the Gulf and opened a branch in Oman. Here in Qatar we opened our first branch in 1997 at the Mall in ‘D’ ring road and later a second shop at the City Center on 2001.The fast pace development here in Qatar has helped us a lot in developing our business and establishing ourselves to become a household name. We build our reputation as a leader in the market of handmade Persian carpet as we offer the best quality and widest selection in our inventory.We have a very stable market base where we do regular projects for banks, government ministries, and big companies as well as individuals. The reason behind our efficiency with big projects is due to our good financial backing and stable inventory supplies. Our aim is to achieve and capture a bigger share of the market especially on the prospect of the massive development that is going on here in Doha.

   Kazerooni & Partners LLC

   PO Box 411, P.C 133, Al Khuwair, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 99448411




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