Lalbuksh Voltas Engineering Services & Trading LLC, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
Lalbuksh Voltas Engineering Services & Trading LLC
Seller ID: SA1296123462
Registration Date: 28-10-2017 12:08:00
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Construction
Established Year:
Total Staff: 501-1000
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Construction Contracting

Lalbuksh Voltas Engineering Services & Trading LLC

Lalbuksh Voltas Engineering Services & Trading LLC. (Lalvol), formerly Lalbuksh Irrigation & Drilling Co. LLC.- was established in the year 1982 – as a Joint Venture between M/s Lalbuksh Contracting & Trading Establishment (LBCT) – a local Omani Company and M/s Volta's Limited, India – a TATA Group Company. It is now a Voltas subsidiary with the objective to serve the Water Management sector through its project execution capability in Oman. Lalvol was primarily established to undertake water well drilling and irrigation projects. Owing to growing demand for mineral exploration and city beautification, Lalvol added these activities into its fold. About a decade ago, Lalvol also added Water Management Division owing to the increasing demand for these solutions deriving strengths of our parent company, Voltas, which had years of experience and expertise in the area of Water Purification, RO, Water Treatment etc. Lalvol is an ISO 9001: 2008 certified company and being a part of the TATA Group sets high ethical standards and follows a strict TATA Code of Conduct in its professional dealings. Health, Safety and Environment is given utmost importance and Lalvol has an excellent track record so far. Lalvol is rapidly growing in size and has excellent track record and has been able to develop excellent Brand Equity with clients. Lalvol employs more than 500 people from different nationalities and is known to provide a professional, multi-cultural and challenging work environment.

   Lalbuksh Voltas Engineering Services & Trading LLC

   PO Box 3146, PC 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24491721



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