LYNX Graphics LLC, Jibroo, , Sultanate Of Oman
LYNX Graphics LLC
Seller ID: SA8754976476
Registration Date: 17-09-2017 14:21:55
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Computer Software
Established Year:
Total Staff: 11-50
Category: Graphic Design
Sub Category: Advertising

LYNX Graphics LLC

A boutique agency which has carved a niche for itself in the market, offering Advertising, Marketing and PR-related services. Formerly known as Sixth Element, the agency now specializes in BTL promotions. This includes different forms of non media communication or advertising, which is becoming increasingly important in the communications mix of many companies today Efficient and cost effective, Lynx Ads can be counted on for an innovative media mix to heighten your brand visibility. The agency also sources and provides gifts for corporates, tailored to the theme and occasion. Lynx Ads with varied experience in conducting and managing commercial events in Oman for large corporate sectors across the country and are backed up by an excellent team of creative and technical staff.Lynx has staged in excess of 30 successful exhibitions and corporate launches across a wide spectrum of industry and corporate sectors, Lynx Ads are also pioneers in the M.I.C.E industry

   LYNX Graphics LLC

   P.O Box 1107, P.C 114, Jibroo, Sultanate Of Oman

   +968 99009456, 95383199

   +968 24816862



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