Majan Glass Company SAOG, Sohar Industrial Estate, , Sultanate of Oman
Majan Glass Company SAOG
Seller ID: SA5814985794
Registration Date: 11-09-2017 12:27:48
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Glass Manufacturing
Established Year: 1995
Total Staff: 201-500
Category: Glass, Ceramics and Concrete
Sub Category: Glass Manufacturer

Majan Glass Company SAOG

Majan Glass Company SAOG was promoted in the year 1994 and established in the year 1997 with a sole objective of catering to the huge demand for Glass Containers within Sultanate of Oman ,GCC and Globally. The Company commenced the commercial production in the year 1997. The Project was envisaged to cater to the needs of Soft Drink, Food & Beverages Industry sector mainly within the Sultanate and was promoted by leading and well reputed Industrial groups and by well known and respected personalities of the Sultanate. The Company is a publicly listed on the MSM and with the Ministry of finance, Sultanate of Oman holding share of 75.3 % and balance by the Public. The Company’s shares are listed on Muscat Security Market. The Company is located at Sohar Industrial Estate which is about 200 kms away from Muscat and Dubai, is one of the most high-tech manufacturing companies in the Sultanate. The Company has installed capacity of producing 250 MT per day of Glass and has 2 Furnaces, five Production Lines and equipments designed to produce Glass containers in 88ml – 1000ml range, in different sizes and in Flint and coloured glass.

   Majan Glass Company SAOG

   P.O Box 17, Postal Code 327, Sohar Industrial Estate, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 26751654



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