Mashhoor Engineering Consultancy, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Mashhoor Engineering Consultancy
Seller ID: SA4614316398
Registration Date: 17-10-2017 09:54:33
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Engineering Consultancy
Established Year: 2001
Total Staff:
Category: Engineering Consultancy
Sub Category: Architectural

Mashhoor Engineering Consultancy

Mashhoor Engineering Consultancy was established in 2001 in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman to achieve the highest level of quality, integrity, and value with each and every client in engineering consultancy services. Powered by diverse knowledge and vast industry experience, We are serving the economy by providing efficient and dynamic engineering services. We are proud to be the engineering consultant of country's premier institutions like Ministry of National Economy, Muscat Depository and Securities Regn Co SAOC, Ministry of Tourism, United Finance Co. SAOG etc At Mashhoor, our commitment is to provide a seamless experience, thus we take pride in every project and designing it to our clients . Combining and unifying our experience, expertise and people with knowledge and project vision, we build trusted partnerships attuned to create successful projects for our clients. It is with integrity, and commitment to the goals of excellence and service. We are advancing with genuine and innovative approach to engineering to ensure and continue to offer a realistic consulting support in middle east region.

   Mashhoor Engineering Consultancy

   PO Box 374, PC 100, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24494030



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