Modern Al Salama Polyclinic, Al seeb, , Sultanate of Oman
Modern Al Salama Polyclinic
Seller ID: SA1515412725
Registration Date: 27-08-2017 16:11:56
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Category: Hospital & Health Care
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Modern Al Salama Polyclinic

modern Al Salama Polyclinic is a centre of excellence in family medicine that provide seamless, patient centered and preventive health care that is affordable and accessible to all. The polyclinic embraces state-of -art tools, but we never forget the human side of health care. It gives us much pleasure as we share our feelings with our clients and well wishers regarding“modern AL SALAMA” polyclinic. With the grace of the almighty “ALLAH” we could establish our polyclinic here in Mobella-South, Sultanate of Oman due to the sincere and spontaneous hard work and service of our doctors in addition to the support our administrative team and well wishers.

   Modern Al Salama Polyclinic

   P.O Box 336, P.C 121, Al seeb, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24451726



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