Modern Medical Supplies L.L.C, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
Modern Medical Supplies L.L.C
Seller ID: SA4641679951
Registration Date: 06-11-2017 14:41:45
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Health Care
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Hospital and Health Care
Sub Category: Hospitals

Modern Medical Supplies L.L.C

We started our journey just 7 years back, in 2004. Looking back, we have achieved much in those years, initiating and continuing our growth, always progressing towards our greatest priority: complete customer satisfaction. Through the years, GST has endured market fluctuations and a volatile economy, and persevered; in the dark, we have shined our own light and moved ahead, rising to meet challenges, swimming ahead of the current. Today, GST is one of the greater lights in our sphere of activity in the Sultanate of Oman.

   Modern Medical Supplies L.L.C

   Way No.2728, Building No.1710, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman


   +965 24791552



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