Modern Poultry Farms CO. SAOG, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
Modern Poultry Farms CO. SAOG
Seller ID: SA5787953787
Registration Date: 20-09-2017 10:07:25
Free Member / Active
Business Type:
Established Year: 1989
Total Staff:
Category: Poultry Farming
Sub Category: Eggs

Modern Poultry Farms CO. SAOG

Modern Poultry Farms Co. SAOC (MPF), the producer of Dana Eggs, is the largest egg production in the Sultanate of Oman. Founded in 1989; MPF prides itself on a widespread distribution network, effective brand marketing, innovation and commitment to quality. Dana’s popularity has been growing steadily, year after year, both in Oman and abroad. It has expanded its production of fresh eggs over the last few years and currently produce more than 125 million egg per annum. Dana Eggs produced by the MP originators from the farms in Wadi Al Ma’awal, near Barka,which is characterized by high standards of hygiene. The birds are imported from Europens as day old chicks and reared to maturity in ideal, clean, closed climate-controlled environment, taking care of all bio-security measures. On accounting on the following factors, Dana has gained its popularity that became one of the best-known companies that produces fresh eggs. The feed as recommended by the chick and technology supplier is produced by MPF’s parent company, Oman Flour Mills Company S.A.O.G. The feeds are 100 per cent vegetarian, purely consisting of corn and Soya meal with added vitamins and minerals. MPF ensures proper health management of the flocks by strictly following approved vaccination program against poultry disease. The farm currently has 24 laying houses and eight rearing houses, which produces about 360.000 eggs per day

   Modern Poultry Farms CO. SAOG

   PB 2598, PC 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 99366946




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