Modern Velocity Infotech, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
Modern Velocity Infotech
Seller ID: SA9363347864
Registration Date: 09-10-2017 10:42:57
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Software Solution
Established Year: 2009
Total Staff:
Category: Information Technology and Services
Sub Category: Software Solution

Modern Velocity Infotech

Modern Velocity Infotech formed in 2009 is the sole distributor for Wings suite of solutions in Sultanate of Oman. Apart from Wings suite of solutions, Modern Velocity Infotech also deals with various other solutions to meet the requirements of customers in the domains of Trading, Retail and Hospitality. We are also dealers of Busy – the Business Accounting Software from India to meet the Accounting and Inventory needs of SMB segment. For the Hospitality Industry, we have chosen eZeeFrontDesk and eZee Burrp, to meet our Customer's requirements in the Hotel and Restaurant Domains. At Modern Velocity Infotech, we strive to make you achieve better efficiency in your operations and also to maintain it. Our IT Services, Business solutions and products bring you a level of unmatched efficiency and reliability. You will experience your requirements are being met on time, within the budget and with high quality. Modern Velocity Infotech endeavors to deliver reliability and efficiency to its customers by maintaining high levels of service standards and that's why we say to our customers "Leave IT to us" With large number of customers spread across various verticals like Trading, Hospitality, manufacturing and retail, Modern Velocity Infotech has vast experience in providing a perfect solution to the customer.Apart from time tested ready to deploy solutions, Modern Velocity Infotech specializes in providing customized solutions based on each customer's unique requirements. We enable our customers to connect to their customers. From start to finish, concept to delivery, we create the solution clearly and effectively.

   Modern Velocity Infotech

   PO Box: 1722, Postal Code: 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 95275066,95376096

   +968 24787450



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