Mohammed Al-Harthy Group, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
Mohammed Al-Harthy Group
Seller ID: SA3867691556
Registration Date: 28-10-2017 11:51:06
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Marketing and Advertising
Established Year: 1997
Total Staff: 51-200
Category: Group of Companies
Sub Category: Retail and Wholesale trade

Mohammed Al-Harthy Group

Established in 1997, Mohammed Al-Harthy Group is a highly respected and leading business conglomerate in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) region.It is a dynamic and a fast growing group with interest’s spreading over various industry verticals like Media, Marketing Communications, Retail, Real Estate and General Trading in the GCC market.The group is a pioneer in providing top notch services in its functional areas in the region.Each group company offers synergy of operations to other group companies resulting in optimizing the business function of the group, as a whole.The group believes in providing personalized services and 360 degrees integrated solutions to its clientele. It emphasizes in treating its business associates and employees as its asset. Its core values of transparency in business operations and respect for all individuals define the basis on which the group conducts its business.

   Mohammed Al-Harthy Group

   PO Box 2330, PC 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24603008



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