Mohd Mubarak Al-Hadhri Trad & Cont Co, Salalah, , Sultanate of Oman
Mohd Mubarak Al-Hadhri Trad & Cont Co
Seller ID: SA3491441989
Registration Date: 24-09-2017 13:26:39
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Construction
Established Year: 1997
Total Staff:
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Construction Contracting

Mohd Mubarak Al-Hadhri Trad & Cont Co

Established in the year 1997, Mohd. Mubarak Al-Hadhri Trad. & Cont.Co is a professionally managed construction & Labour supplying company, combining unparallel experience and comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions. We offer services to facilitate Labour supply at all hierarchical levels and functions. Our client includes top companies in diverse industries of Oman - Construction, Transportation, Hospitality & Cleaning etc. We apply the best talent, coupled with undertaking every transaction in an ethical manner and the result will speak for themselves. We believe that building and maintaining strong relationship is an integral part in developing a business and ensuring its long term success. The most important feature of our service includes quality, speed, dedication and flexibility as projects are spread across often in far away and remote locations and hence ensures complete satisfaction for both clients and Labour.

   Mohd Mubarak Al-Hadhri Trad & Cont Co

   PO Box- 2389, Postal Code 211, Salalah, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 96350032

   +968 23202019



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