Moon Travel LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Moon Travel LLC
Seller ID: SA5641181135
Registration Date: 29-08-2017 14:56:50
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Tours and Travels
Established Year: 1987
Total Staff:
Category: Tours and Travel
Sub Category: Tour Packages

Moon Travel LLC

Moon Travel LLC, a renowned Company in the Travel Trade in Oman, has been operating in the Sultanate since 1987 and is a subsidiary of Oman United Agencies Travel LLC (an Associate company of dnata Dubai). It is a part of travel consortium of OUAT group - OUA Travel, United Travel, Gulf ventures (inbound tour operators) and OUA rent a car. Moon Travel is an IATA (International Air Transport Association) accredited Agent and approved Passenger Sales Agents for all airlines. Moon Travel has earned a reputation for its quality service and reliability in the market and is the leader in cash market focusing largely on budget travel with its wide-spread network across the Sultanate. Moon Travel has been consistently winning awards from major carriers operating from Oman for its performance. Moon Travel is the #1 in Umrah & Haj service provider in Oman. We provide Umrah visas for expatriates in Oman. We operate Umrah by road and air.

   Moon Travel LLC

   PB 2534, Ruwi-112, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman 112


   +968 24796300



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