Muscat Bay, Ruwi, , Sultanate Of Oman
Muscat Bay
Seller ID: SA1458425416
Registration Date: 16-10-2017 15:50:09
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Real Estate
Established Year:
Total Staff: 11-50
Category: Real Estate
Sub Category: Property Development

Muscat Bay

Discover a life of carefree bliss in a place where your daily needs are met on your doorstep. As you walk across the lagoon, breathe in air fragranced with coffee from the organic café while sounds of playing children are carried to you on a breeze. It’s an easy stroll to Muscat Bay’s Village Square, a hub of activities for the whole community to enjoy in the company of friends. Discover a life of carefree bliss in a place where your daily needs are met on your doorstep. As you walk across the lagoon, breathe in air fragranced with coffee from the organic café while sounds of playing children are carried to you on a breeze. It’s an easy stroll to Muscat Bay’s Village Square, a hub of activities for the whole community to enjoy in the company of friends.

   Muscat Bay

   Hayy As Saruj, Shatti A Qurum, Muscat 112,, Ruwi, Sultanate Of Oman

   +968 95442702

   +968 2485 7070



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