Mutrah Insofoam Co. (S.A.O.C), Wadi Kabir, , Sultanate of Oman
Mutrah Insofoam Co. (S.A.O.C)
Seller ID: SA3696988954
Registration Date: 22-12-2017 17:07:22
Free Member / Active
Business Type: EPS Manufacturer
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: EPS Manufacturer

Mutrah Insofoam Co. (S.A.O.C)

Mutrah Insofoam Co. (S.A.O.G) is the leading manufacturer of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) in the Sultanate of Oman. Dedicated to National savings through energy and ecological conservation, the company initially started production in 1983. Sheets from EPS blocks, pipe insulation sections, and environment friendly packing material were the initial activities of the company. Two years later, in 1985, the company acquired the latest European technology at that time and launched the ‘injection moulded boards’ for roof insulation.Since then there was no looking back for Mutrah Insofoam. Subsequently the company started acquiring state-of-the-art machines thereby diversifying and simultaneously improving on production quality. Fully automatic moulding machines for faster and better production coupled with the latest supplementary machines like fully automatic boilers etc. and of course an able workforce have made the company’s products accepted by the architects and consulting engineers who have in turn used these products in Government and private projects extensively.

   Mutrah Insofoam Co. (S.A.O.C)

   PO Box 694,PC 117, Wadi Kabir, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24811284



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