Nawa International Upvc Windows & Doors, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
Nawa International Upvc Windows & Doors
Seller ID: SA6879423933
Registration Date: 01-10-2017 12:06:04
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Building Materials and Construction
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Building Materials and Construction

Nawa International Upvc Windows & Doors

Nawa International’s role is to sit on top of and manage the pyramid of the holding group which includes all of its vested investments and subsidiary companies. Our hands-on role guarantees a smooth flow of all operations entailed within the. Through the centralized-management structure, we aim to separate the business side of things from the technical operations in order to ensure optimum efficiency and accountability. As an investment vehicle, Nawa International would innovate and develop long-term sustainable projects within a number of industries notably construction

   Nawa International Upvc Windows & Doors

   PO Box 1955, PC 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 22363163



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