Oman Automobile Association, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Oman Automobile Association
Seller ID: SA3412535112
Registration Date: 26-09-2017 16:29:59
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Automotive consultant
Established Year: 1979
Total Staff:
Category: Automotive
Sub Category: Electrical & Electronics

Oman Automobile Association

The Oman Automobile Association (OAA) was founded in 1979 and has moved to its present location in Seeb in the year 1989.Since the early days the Association has expanded and now incorporates the Oman Automobile Club with five Sub-Committees representing various sports such as Rally, Go-Kart, Moto Cross, Classic Bike and Racing Bike.The Oman Automobile Association is officially affiliated with the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), the governing body for World Motor Sport and the Alliance Internationale de Tourisme (AIT) which aims to standardize the issuing of International Driving Licenses and Carnet De Passages around the world. The day to day activities of the Oman Automobile Association involves issuance of International Driving Permits, Carnet De Passages to individuals wanting to take their cars out of and back into the Sultanate of Oman for short durations. Oman Automobile Association regulates and promotes motor sport in the Sultanate of Oman.

   Oman Automobile Association

   P.O. Box 2874 PC 111, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 24510239



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