Oman Cement Company(S.A.O.G), Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Oman Cement Company(S.A.O.G)
Seller ID: SA6411346668
Registration Date: 19-08-2017 19:57:21
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Cement Company
Established Year: 1978
Total Staff: 501-1000
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category:

Oman Cement Company(S.A.O.G)

Oman Cement Company SAOG (OCC) was established in the year 1978 as part of the renaissance initiated by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said. Cement plant with a clinker capacity of 600,000 MTS per annum was commissioned in 1983 and subsequently due to increase demand for the cement in the region, plant capacity was expanded to 1.2 Million tons per annum in the year 1998, which enabled OCC to produce 1.26 Million tons of cement. In 2006, Company has installed a Cement Grinding Mill with a capacity of 3000 MTS per day. Further installation of third clinker line to increase the clinker production capacity from 1.2 Million MTS to 2.4 Million MTS per annum has been commissioned during year 2011.

   Oman Cement Company(S.A.O.G)

   P.O Box 560, P.C. 112, Ruwi, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24437070



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