Oman Refreshment Company SAOG, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Oman Refreshment Company SAOG
Seller ID: SA9369257951
Registration Date: 20-08-2017 17:55:23
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Food & Beverages
Established Year: 1974
Total Staff:
Category: Food & Beverages
Sub Category: Beverages Suppliers

Oman Refreshment Company SAOG

Oman Refreshment Company (ORC) is one of the pioneers of Omani manufacturing sector, established in 1974 by the prominent businessmen of Oman with an initial share capital of RO 800,000. The Company owns franchise rights for PepsiCo range of beverages for the Sultanate of Oman and was initially set up in South Ghubra in the Wilayat of Baushar, Muscat with one bottling line of Returnable Glass Bottles (RGB) catering to the then market requirements. With the growing popularity and demand for its products, the company has expanded its manufacturing and distribution capabilities from time to time to meet the diverse consumers preferences.

   Oman Refreshment Company SAOG

   P.O. Box 30, PC 111, Seeb, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24589100



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