Oman Tank Terminal Company LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Oman Tank Terminal Company LLC
Seller ID: SA7523451758
Registration Date: 26-09-2017 16:00:01
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Trading & Services Company
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Oil and Gas
Sub Category: oil storage infrastructure

Oman Tank Terminal Company LLC

As a wholly owned subsidiary of Oman Oil Company, we combine political willpower with industry expertise and commercial outlook so that, when complete, Ras Markaz will be one of the largest crude oil storage facilities in the world. Ras Markaz has strategically located away from the Straits of Hormuz, a potential choke point in the oil supply chain. Our location provides easy access to markets in South Asia, the Far East, and Africa. A crude oil pipeline from Ras Markaz to the Duqm Refinery provides access to value-added options, meeting the market’s demand for flexibility, while the substantial capacity of our facility means customers can store oil for the short or long term.

   Oman Tank Terminal Company LLC

   PO Box 190, PC 102, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 2203 0022



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