Oman United Engineering Services LLC., Al Udhaybah, , Sultanate of Oman
Oman United Engineering Services LLC.
Seller ID: SA7273797329
Registration Date: 26-10-2017 16:31:53
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Construction
Established Year: 2006
Total Staff:
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Construction Contracting

Oman United Engineering Services LLC.

OUES Founded in 2006 Building a successful project is contingent on the management capabilities of the company performing the work and always based on client satisfaction. Continuously building quality projects requires a company-wide mindset that unites all team members behind one main purpose - Building Excellence. At OUES, we believe integrity and high performance standards must come from the top; this is why our senior executives are involved in our projects from day one and stay involved until the final closeout. The key to professional project execution is fundamental - anticipate and eliminate problems before they happen. Our team works with the owners, construction team, designers and engineers, with the detail that only specialists can provide, to plan, budget and schedule every aspect of your project. Once construction begins, sound management skills, seasoned field supervision and sophisticated computer management technology work together with competent subcontractors and suppliers to keep your project on track. The result is a quality facility that is complete when promised, as promised.

   Oman United Engineering Services LLC.

   PO Box No: 1620 Postal Code: 130, Al Udhaybah, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24495916



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