Ras Al Hamra Group, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Ras Al Hamra Group
Seller ID: SA9958422854
Registration Date: 01-09-2017 12:44:51
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Oil & Gas Products
Established Year: 1992
Total Staff:
Category: Group of Companies
Sub Category: Oil & Gas Supply & Services

Ras Al Hamra Group

Ras Al Hamra LLC (RAH) was established in 1992 as a civil construction Company in the sultanate of Oman. Our objective is being able to serve beyond our clientï؟½s expectation, providing a high quality of service, executed in a professional manner. This approach has contributed to the sustained growth of RAH. In 1997, the management team refocused the business to supporting the oil & gas sector. The company initially developed a down hole corrosion service capability for the PDO. This developed and RAH provided a wide range of corrosion services to other major Oil & Gas companies in the area. RAH with its association with American Corrosion company has protected more than 2300 oil wells by providing pulse rectifiers and all required corrosion services. Building upon this success, RAH identified areas where clients needs were not met and designed value added services to meet them. RAH now serves the Middle East & South East market with supply of Manpower (Engineering skilled staff to Oil & Gas Sector), Consultancy Services in Oil & Gas for all Engineering disciplines, Corrosion protection & Environmental, supply & Services of Oil & Gas Equipment and helps bring new services and innovation to the sector. Today RAH has seconded more than 350 staff to Oil & Gas Companies in the Middle East Market.

   Ras Al Hamra Group

   P O Box: 2087, PC 111, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman PC 111


   +968 21215098 ,24215095



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