Ras Al Hamra Recreation Centre, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Ras Al Hamra Recreation Centre
Seller ID: SA9213436291
Registration Date: 04-10-2017 16:46:11
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Golf Club
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Clubs and Association
Sub Category: Sports & Club

Ras Al Hamra Recreation Centre

The RAS AL HAMRA RECREATION CLUB (RAHRC) is located in the Ras al Hamra residential area. The RAHRC provides opportunities for social, recreational and sporting activities for the benefit of RAH staff and their families. Membership requires the payment of a modest monthly fee, which is automatically charged to the members’ account. The Ras al Hamra (RAH) Club boasts a number of facilities for both social and recreational activities. It has coffee shop and restaurant as well as swimming pools for adults and children, private beaches, gymnasiums and nine-hole golf course which are under construction. All payments, whether for food or sports instruction, are made through an electronic membership card and recovered from the member’s salary. Most activities at the Club are run by volunteer members who form "sections", such as the Ras al Hamra Amateur Dramatic Society, the Astronomy section, and so on. The sections can not only make full use of RAHRC facilities but also receive some financial support from the club. And if there is no section that covers your particular interest, you can start one up yourself!

   Ras Al Hamra Recreation Centre

   PO Box 81, PC 100, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24677321



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