Rima Carbonate Industries LLC, Al Rusayl Industrial, , Sultanate of Oman
Rima Carbonate Industries LLC
Seller ID: SA9148576668
Registration Date: 09-10-2017 14:35:17
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Chemical Industries
Established Year: 2001
Total Staff: 1001-5000
Category: Chemicals and Solvents
Sub Category: Chemical Plant

Rima Carbonate Industries LLC

RIMA CARBONATE Industries was established in January 2001 as a Limited Liability Company with 100 % ownership by local Omani Businessmen. The company was formed with the intention of setting up a factory to produce Micronised Calcium Carbonate. In June 2005, a leading local business group in Oman M/s. AL NASR Group of Companies purchased the full ownership of RIMA CARBONATE from the original share holders. RIMA CARBONATE Industries is located in Rusayl Industrial Estate in the outskirts of the Muscat city. The company obtained a 9000 M2 land lease in this Industrial estate which has all infrastructure facilities such as road access, electricity and water supplies, drainage etc.Plant & Machinery and Installed Capacities The plant and machinery incorporating the latest technology in grinding and classification is of German origin. It is also equipped with computerized Central Control Panels allowing automatic and manual operations. THE FIRST PHASE of the plant with a nominal installed capacity of 25,000 MT per annum was commissioned in May 2002. THE SECOND PHASE of the plant with a nominal capacity of 75,000 MT per annum was commissioned in October 2007. The second phase of the plant consists of a grinding plant, a coating plant and a powder classifying plant.

   Rima Carbonate Industries LLC

   PO Box: 181, PC 124, Al Rusayl Industrial, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24449187



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