Sahab Hotel, Nizwa, , Sultanate of Oman
Sahab Hotel
Seller ID: SA9967943955
Registration Date: 14-09-2017 12:57:09
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Hotels & Resorts
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Category: Hotels & Resorts
Sub Category: Hotels & Resorts

Sahab Hotel

Sahab Hotel managed by Time Reversal LLC in Jabal Al Akhdar (Green Mountains) in Sultanate of Oman. Jabal Al Akhdar is fascinating hill station in Oman, with full of nature, full of greenery & agriculture, fantastic weather around the year, beautiful sight seeing’s.Sahab Hotel is a right choice for the Holiday visitors, luxury traveller and for business traveller. We extend our very warm welcome, we are delighted with opportunity to have you as our guest we would like to offer our sincere appreciation and gratitude for your support in making us your preferred choice in Oman, May I take this opportunity to reassure you that the Sahab Hotel team will continue to not just provide the highest standards of service and comfort you have been so accustomed to, but exceeding your expectations will be our constant mission. We assure you that you will have memorable stay with us, we look forward to see you at Jabal Akhdar

   Sahab Hotel

   P.O.Box 72, Post Code 621, Al Jabal Al Akhdar, Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 25429288



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