Sahil Al Seeb international LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Sahil Al Seeb international LLC
Seller ID: SA5462814939
Registration Date: 06-11-2017 16:15:01
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Information Technology and Services
Established Year: 1980
Total Staff:
Category: Information Technology and Services
Sub Category: Web Designing and Develpoment

Sahil Al Seeb international LLC

Sahil al seeb Int LLC was started as a supermarket in 1980 by Mr. Kannoth hashim.His Vision and endless efforts transformed a one retail outlet into many and adding services in the field of Hospitality, IT and mobile service. we had to overcome great difficult circumstances to bring the best service to the customers as per their requirement. Operating as Sahilalseeb international llc and Al sarooj tower trade, we have established in retail industry and also diversified by entering into various industries like Sahil al seeb is very successful in its every endeavour as it treats customer as supreme and believes that only satisfied customers can bring more customers. SahilAlSeeb Int is a closely held business,our employees have been with us for most of their working lives who are dedicated to offering quality products, good values and the friendly service that is expected by a good customer service. VISION To provide our customer the best value for their money. To provide the finest product/service as per the customers need.

   Sahil Al Seeb international LLC

   Bousher, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 96009688

   +968 24503609



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