Saif Salim Essa Al Harasi and Co. LLC, Ruwi, , Sultanate Of Oman
Saif Salim Essa Al Harasi and  Co. LLC
Seller ID: SA9542613893
Registration Date: 16-09-2017 15:09:31
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Construction
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Civil Engineering Works

Saif Salim Essa Al Harasi and Co. LLC

Welcome to Saif Salim Essa Al Harasi & Co. LLC - The flagship company of the Saif Al Harasi GroupOne among the oldest in the construction industry of the Sultanate of Oman, Saif Salim Essa Al Harasi & Co. LLC was established 2 decades ago with a vision to harness the immense development potential of the country's construction contracting sector.Saif Salim Essa Al Harasi & Co was established as a limited liability company (LLC) to deliver quality services to the upcoming construction sector of the Sultanate. Subsequently, the company has grown to be one of the most preferred building partners for various government and corporate clients around the region, delivering civil and electromechanical services. Being a professionally managed company anchored on its principles, we have contributed considerably to the construction sector of the Sultanate. Today, Saif Al Harasi & Co LLC is rated as an "Excellent" grade company, having operations and presence in all corners of the Sultantate - from Liwa in the North to Masirah in the South. We ensure customer satisfaction to our loyal clients with our unfailing focus on Quality, Efficiency and Safety; providing a one-stop solution for all types of construction requirements in the Sultanate.

   Saif Salim Essa Al Harasi and Co. LLC

   P.O. Box- 1850, P.C: 112, Ruwi, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 24703266



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