SASLO Legal Training Center, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
SASLO Legal Training Center
Seller ID: SA4868385248
Registration Date: 04-10-2017 15:22:38
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Legal Training
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Legal Services
Sub Category: Legal Consultancy

SASLO Legal Training Center

Our primary focus concentrates on providing the requisite practical aspects and methodologies needed to increase the professionalism and efficiency of the legal practice, to ensure that the participants are receiving the maximum from the programs through providing courses catered to their needs and benefits e.g. Legal Ethics, Legal Skills for Lawyers, Labor Law for HR Managers and trade unions, Anti-Money Laundering for the Banks, Financial Institutions & ROP. This is accomplished both by a network of expertise within Oman and the Gulf region, as well as through an international network of renowned legal minds in the industry. Moreover, our programs are designed based on extensive research and assessment of the market’s training needs for organizations and individuals alike. Additionally, they reflect the fundamental comprehension of the local laws and culture, the day to day practice, and the implementation of international legal standards.

   SASLO Legal Training Center

   PO Box 1288, PC 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24503341,24503348



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