Shinas College of Technology, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Shinas College of Technology
Seller ID: SA6697412787
Registration Date: 06-09-2017 12:27:00
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Education Management
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Educational Institutes And Universities
Sub Category: College & Universities

Shinas College of Technology

Shinas College of Technology (ShCT) is located in the Wilayat of Shinas in the Governorate of Batinah, about 69 kms from the city of Sohar, in the Sultanate of Oman. It is one of the seven Colleges of Technology under the Ministry of Manpower. The College is a public institution catering to higher educational needs of Omani youths. It offers programs leading to diploma, advanced diploma and bachelor in the fields of Engineering, Information Technology and Business Studies. The institution was established in December 2005. Since then it has undergone rapid growth, offering programs to suit the market needs. It started with 550 students and 15 staff in the foundation program. Students joining the College are placed in different levels of the foundation program based on a placement test they take. On successful completion of their General Foundation Program, students move to the post foundation level in different academic departments.

   Shinas College of Technology

   +968 26852860, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman 324


   +968 26852860



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