Silver Star Corporation LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Silver Star Corporation LLC
Seller ID: SA5973414871
Registration Date: 22-08-2017 14:49:22
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Event Management
Established Year: 1992
Total Staff: 10
Category: Silver Star Corporation LLC
Sub Category: Event Management Company

Silver Star Corporation LLC

Established in 1992, Silver Star is one of the leading organisers of large scale exhibitions and events in Oman. Managed by a team of young, dedicated professionals, the company has a favourable reputation of having organised more than twenty five highly successful exhibitions (international, domestic and solo) in the Sultanate. These include “INDEXPO MUSCAT ’93 (an exclusive Indian Trade Fair), INDIAN JEWELLERY EXHIBITION ’95, INDEXPO MUSCAT ’97 (an exclusive Indian Trade Fair) under the patronage of Indian Embassy, Muscat and supported by India Trade Promotion Organisation and Federation of Indian Export Organisations both are Government of India Undertakings and SPRING FAIR ‘94, CONSUMEX ’95, SPRING FAIR ’95, CONSUMEX ’96, SPRING FAIR ’97, CONSUMEX ’97, SPRING FAIR ’98, CONSUMEX ’98, SPRING FAIR ’99 CONSUMEX ’99, SPRING FAIR ‘2000, CONSUMEX ’2000, ARAB GOLD & JEWELLERY EXHIBITION ‘2001, Muscat, ARAB GOLD & JEWELLERY EXHIBITION 2001,SALALAH and Global Village at Muscat Festival 2003.

   Silver Star Corporation LLC

   P.O.Box 1075, Postal Code 112, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 24788804




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