Sohar Power Company SAOG, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Sohar Power Company SAOG
Seller ID: SA8636643465
Registration Date: 28-08-2017 18:22:37
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Power Generation
Established Year: 2004
Total Staff: 11-50
Category: Oil and Energy
Sub Category: Power Generation

Sohar Power Company SAOG

The Project was awarded to the promoters, comprising GDF SUEZ, National Trading Company, SOGEX Oman, Ministry of Defense Pension Fund, W.J. Towell & Co and The Zubair Corporation, by the Government following a competitive bidding process. The promoters formed Sohar Power Company SAOC for the purposes of entering into the project agreements and undertaking the Project. Sohar Power has been established under a Build-Own-Operate scheme. The BOO concept enables the Company to operate as a going concern beyond the project horizon of 15 years by either extending the PWPA (if agreed to by OPWP) or selling into a liberalized electricity market which may exist at that time. The anticipated useful life of the Plant is 30 years. The 585 MW combined cycle gas fired power plant and 150,000 m3/d desalination plant is located in the Sohar Industrial Port area in the North Al Batinah Governorate of the Sultanate of Oman. The site is strategically located near the main gas transmission system and electricity grid network.

   Sohar Power Company SAOG

   P.O. Box 147, Postal Code 134, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 134


   +968 24400600



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