Star Care Hospital, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Star Care Hospital
Seller ID: SA8245291866
Registration Date: 26-09-2017 15:21:28
Free Member / Active
Business Type: multi-specialty hospital
Established Year: 1985
Total Staff:
Category: Hospital and Health Care
Sub Category: Cardiology

Star Care Hospital

Starcare Health Systems Limited is a healthcare management and consultancy company incorporated in the UK under the 1985 companies act. Between them, Starcare team has several decades of healthcare facility planning and management experience in both the eastern and western health systems. As a young and energetic company, Starcare is innovative in ideas and has ambitious plans for the next several years. The company is based in Manchester, UK and has operations both Oman and in UAE. The company is planning a major expansion into the middle-east and India in the next few years to fully utilize the emerging opportunities

   Star Care Hospital

   P.O.Box 198,P.C. 101, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman

   +968 98088705

   +968 24557200



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