Sweets of Oman SAOG, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Sweets of Oman SAOG
Seller ID: SA5728466264
Registration Date: 23-08-2017 13:05:28
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Public Company
Established Year: 1990
Total Staff: 201-500
Category: Chocolate & Candy, Confectioners
Sub Category:

Sweets of Oman SAOG

Sweets of Oman had a humble beginning in 1990, as a relatively small manufacturer and supplier of confectionery in Oman. Currently it has grown into an award winning manufacturer of high quality confectionery, which it distributes locally and also exports to more than 45 countries worldwide. The company has two major stakeholders - Bhacker Suleman Jaffer (BSJ) Group and Zubair Corporation - both well known in the Sultanate of Oman for their varied business activities. Confectionery is a low-cost luxury in which everyone likes to indulge, and the promoters of the company realized that GCC including Oman, with its growing population of young people, is a huge market for chocolates and sweets. They also observed that all of the confectionery being consumed at that time was imported by multinational companies and therefore setting up a local manufacturing unit would be worthwhile. The decision to establish a factory was also in response to the government's call to Omani entrepreneurs to diversify the economy and create jobs by setting up manufacturing facilities locally.

   Sweets of Oman SAOG

   P.O. Box 49, P.C. 124, Road No. 8, Rusayl Industrial Estate, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24449423



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