Target LLC, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
Target LLC
Seller ID: SA9499858723
Registration Date: 26-10-2017 12:40:30
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Construction
Established Year: 1976
Total Staff:
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Earth Works

Target LLC

Target LLC, is a privately-owned construction company operating in the Sultanate of Oman. Since our founding in 1976, we have successfully executed a wide range of construction projects that have played an integral role in the development of Oman’s infrastructure. The major focus of our operations is on civil contracting, namely water & wastewater infrastructure, buildings & structures, and general civil works. We also carry out various MEP, earthworks, metal fabrication, and wood works projects.We are led by a team of highly-regarded and successful construction professionals, and our most defining characteristic is our dynamic and results-oriented approach. The success we have accomplished in consistently delivering superior service to our clients has cemented our position as one of the leading contracting companies in Oman.

   Target LLC

   PO Box 574, PC 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24505970



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