Tawoos LLC., Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Tawoos LLC.
Seller ID: SA2857794159
Registration Date: 20-08-2017 12:03:19
Free Member / Active
Business Type:
Established Year: 1982
Total Staff:
Category: Group Of Companies
Sub Category: Oil & Gas Supply & Services

Tawoos LLC.

Tawoos LLC was established in 1982 by His Highness Sayyid Shabib bin Taimur Al Said. Initially the company concentrated on trading interests in the defence and hydrocarbon industries, but gradually the focus turned towards developing businesses to meet the rapidly growing service sector. The organisation grew by the adoption of foreign business ideas and management and then converting this foreign expertise into locally-based management to reduce costs and improve local effectiveness. Today elements of the Tawoos Group have evolved into the largest entities in the service sector.

   Tawoos LLC.

   P.O.Box 1676, Postal Code 114, Muttrah, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 99388054,99349403

   +968 24796636



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