Taza Trading and Contracting, Al Hamriyah, , Sultanate of Oman
Taza Trading and Contracting
Seller ID: SA6947145452
Registration Date: 24-09-2017 11:09:48
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Exporter & Distributor of Industrial Materials
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Group of Companies
Sub Category: Construction & Engineering

Taza Trading and Contracting

Taza trading is one-stop disciplinary unit having operations in various Industries in verticals and horizontals. We introduce ourselves as one of the diversified company in the private sector providing complete range of products and services for all Industries. We as the pioneer in the implementing the international trading concept in Oman and has successfully demonstrated its efficiency in optimally utilizing the existing infrastructure with in the country to the benefits of all of our clients. Material offered by us caters to the requirements of diverse industries such as Oil and Gas field, Constructions, Workshops, Infrastructure (Air Port Infrastructure, Port, Construction, Road &Telecom), Metal (Aluminium & Steel), Chemical, Automobiles (Automotive Components), Energy (Crude Oil, Power, Nature Gas, Refinaries, Renewable Energy Sources), Industrials (Cement, Fertilizers, Paper). we recently got in to a joint venture with an American Company and all our products are European Engineering Products

   Taza Trading and Contracting

   PO Box 406, PC 131, Al Hamriyah, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 93885710

   +968 24837978



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