Techno Gears Industries LLC, Central Post Office, , Sultanate of Oman
Techno Gears Industries LLC
Seller ID: SA6717968771
Registration Date: 27-08-2017 12:17:45
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Steel Fabrication and Machining
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Industrial Services
Sub Category: Steel Fabrication and Machining

Techno Gears Industries LLC

Techno Gears Industries is one of the leading engineering companies based in the Sultanate of Oman involved in Steel fabrication and Machining activities. From a humble beginning in Wadi Adai area, we have progressed steadily and presently, we are established in Rusayl Industrial Area with a plot admeasuring 11, 717 sq mtrs, factory space of 2000 sq. mtrs & today, employ a team of highly skilled & dedicated personnel.Started as a Gear manufacturing company in 2002, we have rapidly diversified & have added a complete Machine Shop facility as well as Fabrication facility to our activities. On the verge of growth and with a vision to expand our business, we have ventured into the Oil field sector offering a full range of products, maintenance / services to the Oilfield sector. Apart from being an ISO 9001:2008 certified company, we have also been accredited with API licenses 6A, 16A, 7-1, 5CT & 4F which gives us the opportunity to provide a wide array of products and services for our customers in the Oil & Gas industry. Besides, we are also accredited with “ASME” for both “U” & “R” stamp which authorizes us to fabricate as well as repair Pressure Vessels up to 3000 psi rating.We carry out Valve refurbishment activities and repairs / re-certification for SSV’s, Choke Manifolds, Pressure Vessels etc duly pressure tested, blasted & painted – all as per specific requirements from customers.

   Techno Gears Industries LLC

   P.O. Box 2969, P.C. 111, Central Post Office, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 99471685,99635906

   +968 24446782



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