Tethys Oil Oman Ltd, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Tethys Oil Oman Ltd
Seller ID: SA4992113337
Registration Date: 28-08-2017 17:22:05
Free Member / Active
Business Type:
Established Year:
Total Staff: 1-10
Category: Oil and Gas
Sub Category: Oil & Natural Gas

Tethys Oil Oman Ltd

Tethys Oil is a mid sized Swedish oil company with focus on onshore areas with known oil discoveries. Tethys Oil’s core area is Oman, where the company holds 2P reserves of 21.4 mmbo and has oil production of about 12,000 barrels per day from Blocks 3 and 4. Tethys Oil also has onshore exploration licences in Lithuania and France and some production in Lithuania. The head office is located in Stockholm and the company?s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (TETY).

   Tethys Oil Oman Ltd

   PO Box 1918, PC 130, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 130





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