The Champ Oman, Al Khuwair, , Sultanate of Oman
The Champ Oman
Seller ID: SA6744491562
Registration Date: 25-10-2017 12:46:01
Free Member / Active
Business Type: sports & Arts
Established Year: 2012
Total Staff:
Category: Health/ Beauty
Sub Category: Sport & recreation

The Champ Oman

The Champ: A platform and a patron for a unique blend of activities, The valuable service we provide indoor and outdoor training with artistic events. We also supply professional coaching, and training. Our main aim is to improve our clientele’s physical & mental health. The Classes we offer do this by improving your stamina, reflexes & co-ordination. Our activities will also increase your awareness, agility and flexibility. Our expert coaches guide you toward your goal and help you find the right way to have your Health, Stamina, and Focus. we achieve this without machinery only workouts that matter workouts you can take Home, the Beach or to a Championship!

   The Champ Oman

   Building No. 963 Way No. 3512,, Al Khuwair, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 9777 0498



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