Tmtec Trade And Technical Services LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Tmtec Trade And Technical Services LLC
Seller ID: SA4722915529
Registration Date: 01-09-2017 10:04:32
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Electrical and Instrumentation
Established Year: 1994
Total Staff:
Category: Trading Company
Sub Category: Electrical Products & Industrial Instrumentation

Tmtec Trade And Technical Services LLC

Making a humble beginning in the early nineties, I started TMTEC as a one-man enterprise in a small office adjacent to my private home in 1994. At that time the core of business was centered on preventive maintenance of air-conditioning units. Of course, like every entrepreneur, I was dreaming to be big one day. Little did I realize that the seeds sowed in those early days would blossom into a market-wide recognized, reliable business establishment TMTEC is today. Over the past decade we have grown from strength to strength, diversifying our services into different areas such as supply and installation of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, electric motor rewinding and repair and expanding our services to a wide circle of reputable companies and private clients. Today everybody in TMTEC is proud to what we have achieved and we are determined to further strive for excellence to enhance the satisfaction of all our customers and make us stand out from the rest as the most reliable and professional service provider in the fields of Facility Management including Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Electro-mechanical equipment.

   Tmtec Trade And Technical Services LLC

   Ghala AS Sinaiyyah, St No. 5206, Building No. 390, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24595848,24595838



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