Tusker Engineering Consultancy Group, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Tusker Engineering Consultancy Group
Seller ID: SA5775675583
Registration Date: 25-09-2017 14:52:03
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Civil and Construction
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Group of Companies
Sub Category: Civil and Construction Contracting

Tusker Engineering Consultancy Group

Tusker engineering is a multi-disciplined architectural and engineering design consultancy based in muscat. we are a local consultancy that collaborates with international practices. We place great importance on delivering value to our clients by utilizing our cross discipline capability and by working in collaboration with our associated offices, to deliver on quality, design, economy and timeliness. As a multi-discipline professional architectural and engineering consultancy, we are able to offer clients the choice of using our services in combination or individually. By choosing the former they are assured of a co-ordinated approach to the design and delivery of their project. We are unique in what we offer and how we offer it and that is what makes us different is that we provide a home for international companies involved in the design & construction industries who aspire to work in Oman. We take care of the them for them to take care of you and your project.

   Tusker Engineering Consultancy Group

   Shatti Al Qurum, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24682586



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