Wadi Baad Trading and Transportation LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Wadi Baad Trading and Transportation LLC
Seller ID: SA3978287321
Registration Date: 01-09-2017 10:42:20
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Construction Equipment
Established Year: 1998
Total Staff:
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Construction Equipment

Wadi Baad Trading and Transportation LLC

Wadi baa'd trading and transport was established in 1998, the company owns a fleet of over 90 cranes ranging from 20 ton to 300 ton of different types (Rough Terrain, All Terrain and Truck mounted) & 20 rough terrain tool carriers from 5 ton to 7 ton. As one of the leading cranes hiring company in the Sultanate of Oman, our motto is to be a company of choice in terms of best service (sustaining a combination of uninterrupted availability, good safety record, best quality and fulfilling customers expectation). Our focus is mainly in Oil and Gas industries. We therefore ensure that we maintain a high level of HSE performance and are very conversant with client's expectation in adherence to international recognized HSE standards. Our main clients are BP, PDO, OXY, Daleel petroleum, RAY international etc. Our fleet possesses the best machine models; Liebherr, Tadano, Kato and Caterpillar. The Company is committed towards supplying first class service to all clients. We offer competitive rates and pride ourselves on our business ethics and our commitment to customer service as they have created the strength and foundation of our company. Our reputation has now put us on a platform of highly demanded service by our esteemed customers.

   Wadi Baad Trading and Transportation LLC

   329A, AL Jefnin, AL Seeb, PC 111, PB 143, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 111

   +968 99475681

   +968 24502350



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