Yahya Construction LLC., Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Yahya Construction LLC.
Seller ID: SA2621648315
Registration Date: 06-09-2017 18:07:47
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Civil Engineering Works
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Civil Engineering Works

Yahya Construction LLC.

Yahya Construction LLC, formerly Yahya Costain LLC, has earned an excellent reputation in Oman for high-quality specialist construction, interiors, and refurbishment of Royal Palaces and VIP residences. Our main operations are Civil Construction, Interior design works including Joinery, loose furniture and Marble works. Also carrying out maintenance and refurbishment of Royal Palaces, Mosques and the residences of Government Ministers and leading businessmen in the Sultanate of Oman for over 40 years. Yahya Construction LLC is certified to ISO 9001:2008 Quality management system. ‘YC’ gives priority to customer satisfaction and continual improvement of QMS. Customer Satisfaction is always in forefront of all our operations. Safety, Quality and reliability are corner stone of business activities. ‘YC’ had many challenges in the past. ‘YC’ could face those challenges and come out unscathed with triumph. These experiences we gained in the past has put us in a good stead of meeting customer requirements achieving customer satisfaction.

   Yahya Construction LLC.

   P.O. Box 2282, Postal Code 112, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24591366, 24115600



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