Zubair Automotive LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Zubair Automotive LLC
Seller ID: SA8644731333
Registration Date: 07-09-2017 15:30:22
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Automobiles
Established Year: 1970
Total Staff: 1001-5000
Category: Group of Companies
Sub Category: Automobile

Zubair Automotive LLC

Successful corporate enterprises thrive on the leadership and direction typically provided by an inspirational founding figure. Zubair Automotive Group has been no different. The Group owes much of its success to its founder Mohammed Al Zubair, who established and nurtured its growth on a core set of corporate values that set it apart from its corporate peers. Those values comprised good old-fashioned hard work, enterprise and perseverance – attributes that continue to drive the Group’s success. The Group’s history predates that of Oman’s modern renaissance, which began in 1970. The Zubair Automotive Group has its origins in a small business outfit called Muscat Trading Company, established by Mohammed Al Zubair in 1967. Initially trading in electrical equipment, building materials, and tools, the firm diversified into other products and services at the onset of rising economic opportunities triggered by the renaissance. Muscat Trading Company eventually gave way to Zubair Enterprises in 1973, setting in motion a business initiative that has since blossomed into a highly respected and well-diversified business corporation..

   Zubair Automotive LLC

   P.O. Box 800, P.C. 111, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24500000



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