Abu Haroon International Trading LLC, Al Hamriyah, , Sultanate Of Oman
Abu Haroon International Trading LLC
Seller ID: SA2251546551
Registration Date: 26-09-2017 11:34:50
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Manufacturing of Furniture Products
Established Year: 1970
Total Staff:
Category: Furniture Company
Sub Category: Office Furniture & Flooring

Abu Haroon International Trading LLC

The Omani renaissance, which started in July 1970, led to enormous development and prosperity carrying this ancient land to the modern era. The wise leadership of HM Sultan Qaboos bin Said continues to bless this land. Abu Haroon International Trading LLC was launched in 1981 with a small capital in this great country. Many decades of toil and hard work has gone into making Abu Haroon International Trading what it is today, a well established and leading name in the Omani furniture market. It is one of the most trusted names in furniture, fully understanding customer needs and catering to their requirements for the latest innovations in the industry. We are fully aware of customers’ tastes and requirements and source our products from reputed environment-friendly manufacturers from various countries like, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. These manufacturers are well known for their quality and commitment.

   Abu Haroon International Trading LLC

   PO Box. 314 , Postal Code 131, Al Hamriyah, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 24837292



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