Al Manal Travel Tours & Cargo, Salalah, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Manal Travel Tours & Cargo
Seller ID: SA8291957363
Registration Date: 21-08-2017 11:44:50
Free Member / Active
Business Type:
Established Year: 2003.
Total Staff:
Category: Tours & Travel
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Al Manal Travel Tours & Cargo

Al Manal Travel Tours & Cargo is a well-established and professionally staffed and management organization based in Oman, providing services in travel and tourism, cargo import & export, Rent-a-Car since 2003. Al Manal has climbed the ladder of success within a short period of time, which is clear proof of our constant drive for excellence through perseverance and hard work has enabled us to be recognized as a leader. We have evolved into a company providing complete solutions involving overland travel, cruises, adventure holidays, cargo handling & rent-a-car. Our mission “Will Assist You Anytime Anywhere’ affirms our commitment to serve the community to the best of our ability with cost-effective innovative solutions that do not compromise on quality. Our customers have been our biggest support system. Gracious enough to repose their faith in us, they have provided us with an opportunity to serve them and prove our credibility time and again. We extend our heartfelt thanks to them.

   Al Manal Travel Tours & Cargo

   P.O.Box 1841, PC 211, Salalah, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 99490108

   +968 23295838



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