Brokers International, Al Khuwair, , Sultanate of Oman
Brokers International
Seller ID: SA3667137349
Registration Date: 21-09-2017 14:27:23
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Property Development
Established Year: 2006
Total Staff:
Category: Real Estate
Sub Category: Property Development

Brokers International

Brokers International was established in December 2006 as an 'A' grade LLC company started its operation in the month of April 2007. The company is owned and managed by two partners, namely; Ahmed Abdullah Hamdan Al Said & Radhiya Mohammed Mohsin Al Lawati. Brokers International is a professionally managed company. Its partners are well known business magnates in Oman’s industrial circle, and are vastly experienced in the real estate sector and building management. They have given incredible contribution to Oman’s various sectors; and real estate sector, in particular. Since commencement of it's operations in the Sultanate of Oman, the company has established a track record of successfully assisting many companies, banks and individuals in their real estate needs. It is an Omani owned company and employs both Omani and expatriate staff with a commitment to ensuring all Omanization criteria are met and upheld. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced personnel at the helm of its business. During this short period, our quality services have given us the reputation as a leading real estate agent in all respects. Our name is well known in the local real estate industry and our reports/ services are well appreciated and acknowledged by banks and corporations in the private sector.

   Brokers International

   P.O. Box 420, Postal Code 133, Al Khuwair, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24490004,24496767



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